09 June 2010

A Night on the Town: Heading Home

Marie was feeling a bit lost, suddenly alone in the middle of the unfamiliar den, though the creeping effects of her opium tea were taking their pleasant course - she didn't even jump when Asmodeus came up and took her arm, though she hadn't seen him approach.

"Hello," she said, yawning. "I suppose I did." She glanced over her shoulder at the other acrobats again. She dimly remembered that they were her competition, and that they had done something to make Colette very angry, but the nuances of these thoughts were lost in marveling at how they still managed to be rather pretty, even drunk and covered in wine stains. She couldn't imagine what they looked like performing, but trying to was proving pleasant. "I was invited to another circus," she said, showing Asmodeus the crumpled flier. "But they made Colette quite angry."

She yawned again, more widely, glad they were heading home. She had half a mind to ask Asmodeus to carry her back, as he'd done from time to time after late-night adventures when she'd been younger. But she was a grown-up performer now, so she walked, feeling pleasantly hazy after a very eventful evening.

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